Paperback: retail price $19.95 | Hard cover: retail price $29.95
Ari’el Rises
When fifty women and girls from around the world come together under one book cover with stories of trials, tribulation, and triumph, something incredible happens! Ari’el Rising is not your average compilation book. It is an empowerment masterpiece! In Hebrew the word Ari’el means “lion of God” and the women in this book are the personification of the lioness—beautiful, courageous, fierce, and powerful! From the nine year old three time author to the world renowned journalist, the teen entrepreneur to the African Diplomat, the “beauty queen” to the Disney star, the sisterhood of Ari’el Rising is growing and making a global impact. Two theme songs help define the book and movement. “Ari’els Rising” is a beautiful piece written by cancer survivor Milliea Taylor McKinney and produced by Conscious Music Entertainment. “We Got The Power To Change The World” was co-written by Grammy recognized singer/songwriter/producer Skyler Jett, the much sought-after producer Sylvester Burks, and vocalist Shana Morrison
When Ari’el Rises…
Women have been impacting the world since its inception. In the biblical account of the Garden of Eden, the serpent’s trickery caused the first couple to be evicted from paradise due to defiance and disobedience. Eve’s ability to influence her husband Adam to go against God’s direct order concerning the eating of the forbidden fruit was powerful and effective. If one woman was able to change the course of human history through one act of disobedience, imagine what can be done when thousands, perhaps millions, unite and rise up for the good of humanity. In Hebrew Ari’el means lion/lioness of God. Lions roar to warn intruders, call out for lost cubs, or when sensing danger. The world groans in pain and our children are troubled. It is time for the lioness in each of us to stand and declare that “enough is enough!” The answer and solution to every problem in the world has already been provided through our God-given talents and works. The songwriter can write a song of healing, the educator can reach that lost student, the preacher can speak words of life, and the activist can fight on behalf of the weak. Regardless of your area of expertise, you are an Ari’el, a lioness on the prowl, reaching out to the global community. The 21st century empowered woman is unlike any other….she’s talented, kind, caring, determined, beautiful, and she ROARS!!!